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Bulletin of National Institute of Health Sciences

Journal ID : BNIHS-02-10-2022-10449
Title : Integrin level in IUI cycles in relevance to Hyaluronic Acid pessaries
Abstract :

Intrauterine insemination is a procedure that involves the deposition of a processed semen sample in the uterine cavity, overcoming natural barriers to sperm ascent in the female reproductive tract. Integrin are able to promote endometrium decidualization, maintain quiescent condition of the uterus, prevent uterine contraction before implantation, benefit embryo adhesion and nidation and influence polarity of endometrial glandular epithelium. Hyaluronic acid is a glycosaminoglycan found all over human bodies. Intra-vaginal HA pessaries used to improve implantation in ICSI cycle by increasing endometrial vascularity and by increasing adhesion between trophoblast and epithelial layer of endometrium. This study for the first time used HA pessaries to improve ER in IUI cycle. To evaluate the effect of using intravaginal hyaluronic acid on endometrial receptivity by assessing serum integrin level as a (biomarker of implantation) and assessing role of vaginal HA in improving pregnancy rate in infertile couples undergoing IUI treatment. The study included 49 infertile couples whom were selected randomly from those attending the High Institute of Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies Al-Nahrain University. After conducting full assessment, all couples entered intrauterine insemination cycle; they divided into two group A (n27) and group B (n 22). Women in-group A receive HA pessaries 5mg once daily from cycle day 7 until day 21. Blood samples were taken to measure integrin level on CD2 and on day of IUI. Endometrial receptivity markers (ITG) used as a comparative parameter among selected groups. Pregnancy outcome assessed 14 days after IUI, also used as a comparative parameter among selected groups. There was no significant difference in integrin levels between study and control groups at cycle day 2 and at day of IUI with p=0.114 and p=0.407 respectively. However, serum ITG level increase in day of IUI in study group and not affected in control group. We did simple comparison of serum ITG between pregnant and non-pregnant women, there was non-significant difference, but pregnant women have higher serum integrin levels compared to non-pregnant women. Use of intravaginal HA during intrauterine insemination (IUI) cycle improves ER and pregnancy rates and this proved by its positive effect on serum ITG levels. However, the increase in pregnancy rate was statistically non-significant; this might be due to small sample size.

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Journal ID : BNIHS-01-10-2022-10448
Title : Serum COQ 10 as Indicator for ADCK4 (COQ8B) Gene Polymorphism in Iraqi Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome and its Association with Steroid Response
Abstract :

The most common glomerular disorder in children is nephrotic syndrome. Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome is one of the major causes of end-stage kidney disease in children and young adults. For approximately 30% of children were with steroid resistance results from a genetic cause. The COQ8B(ADCK4) gene is one of the several genes encoding enzymes required for the Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone; CoQ10) pathway and is the most common causative gene, present in podocytes of the glomerulus and is mostly concentrated in podocyte mitochondria. ADCK4 stabilizes the CoQ complex to maintain podocyte homeostasis, in ADCK4-mutant patients CoQ10 levels were reduced so have benefit for CoQ10 supplementation. The objective of present research analyzes the association between steroid response and the ADCK4 (COQ8B) gene polymorphism (C.532CT), as well as coenzyme Q10 serum levels. In total 80 patients with NS (40 SRNS and 40 SSNS) and 80 health control of Iraqi origin were genotype for ADCK4 (COQ8B) genotype: C.532C>T (p.Arg178Trp) (p.R178W) (rs398122978) using The Tetra-Amplification-Refractory Mutation System-Polymerase Chain Reaction (T-ARMS-PCR) method. Highly significant difference in COQ serum level between control and nephrotic groups (p˂0.001). The molecular result, both T and C allele equal frequency between control and SSNS. While in steroid resistance group, T allele is less frequent and C allele more frequent than control and steroid sensitive groups. Homogenous missense (TT) in a c.532C>T; p.R178W only in pediatric patient with steroid resistance, while homozygous (CC) more frequent in SRNS (27.5%) than control (7.5%) and SSNS (7.5%). This is the first research project of its kind in Iraqi origin to look at how the ADCK4 gene can affect susceptibility to NS to steroid treatment with association to COQ10 serum level. to use serum Q10 as diagnostic biomarker in patient with ADCK4 associated SRNS.

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Journal ID : BNIHS-24-09-2022-10445
Title : Knowledge and awareness about osteoarthritis and joint replacement surgery among the adult population above 18 years old in Tabuk city
Abstract :

It has been noticed in orthopedic clinics here in Tabuk that many elderly people refuse to do joint replacement surgery when they need it because of some miss beliefs. Assessing the knowledge and concepts about risk factors will decrease the incidence of Osteoarthritis among the population above 18 years old in Tabuk city in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). A cross-sectional study that was based on a survey analysis among the adult population above 18 years old in Tabuk city, Saudi Arabia. Most of the subjects agree or strongly agree (42.6%) that they have a high probability of getting osteoarthritis. The majority of respondents gain their knowledge from the internet and media while only 34% gain their knowledge from friends and public information. Most of the subjects have good knowledge about the loss of movement during OA, complications, pain, disabilities, and economic costs. The majority had good knowledge about the treatment of choice for OA. Sufficient knowledge was found among the subjects regarding the surgery and its outcomes while only 19.8% thought that joint replacement may disable OA patients. Most of the subjects have positive knowledge about the importance of trying to DX early, doing routine medical checks, and respecting the doctor's advice. The level of knowledge about OA and joint replacement surgery was adequate among the majority of subjects. Also, most Saudi participants had a good understanding of the benefits and outcomes of joint replacement surgery for improving their mobility.

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